


Friday, April 6, 2012

Effects of Stress

Stress is one of the causes of a variety of diseases and disorders in the world today. People suffer from stress due to various reasons like job, career, illness, death, relationships, finances, family, etc. Workaholics are more prone to suffer from stress. Majority of young adults and middle aged people are found to suffer from stress. At the same time a majority of people are found to ignore the effects of stress and rely heavily on medications to get rid of the signs and symptoms. However, they are unaware of the long term and long-lasting outcomes of stress. So, what are the effects of stress? Here is a guide on the consequences of stress in human beings.

Physical Effects of Stress

A person suffering from stress faces several disorders of the body. This is because he tends to ignore his health, does not have a proper diet, does not exercise regularly and the constant anxiety and worrying has a negative effect on his body. Physical effects of stress include disorders of the stomach, the heart, abnormal functioning of the digestive as well as the reproductive system. If a person already suffers from any chronic condition, allergy, skin disease; stress tends to aggravate it. The following are the effects of stress on the body:
  • Palpitation, faster heart rate
  • Pain in chest, shoulder, neck, back
  • Sweating, cold and clammy skin
  • Breathlessness, difficulty in breathing
  • Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing
  • Pain and discomfort in abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Diarrhea, loose stools, constipation
  • Increase of blood sugar level
  • Sleep disorders, insomnia
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Increase in blood pressure, hypertension
  • Heart diseases, heart attack
Psychological Effects of Stress

Stress also affects a person thinking capacity, his metal and emotional being. Side effects of stress include difficulty in thinking, analysis, etc. Anxiety and depression are the most common psychological as well as physical signs of stress. The following are the after effects of stress on a person's mental health.
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Pessimism
  • Constant worrying
  • Irritability, quick rise of temper
  • Agitation
  • Memory disturbances, memory loss
  • Feeling of loneliness, isolation
  • Depression
  • Nervousness
  • Racing thoughts
Apart from these, effects of stress on health also include obsessive or extreme behavior like overeating or complete lack of appetite, isolation or extreme agitation. Difficulty in conceiving, sexual dysfunction, etc. are some of the other negative effects of stress on the body. Similarly, drug, alcohol abuse, addiction to cigarette and gambling, etc. are also a few of the consequences of stress in human beings.

As there are several short as well as long term effects of stress, one may definitely wonder how to reduce stress and get rid of its negative consequences. There are several stress management techniques that help in reducing stress. Yoga, meditation, Vipassana, etc. are some of the well-known and most effective techniques. On the other hand, undertaking a hobby everyday, spending time with loved ones or friends, etc. are also some of the easy yet useful ways of getting rid of stress. Lastly, it should be noted that taking nay kind of anti depressant or other drugs and medications will definitely take a toll on one's health and hence, people are advised against it.

This was a brief information on the physical as well as psychological effects of stress. Although it is true that there is no escape from stress in the modern-day world, one should surely look for ways to reduce it and prevent it from being life-threatening. Take care!

Stress Management Skills

Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness ~ Richard Carlson

Despite knowing the ill effects of taking too much mental and physical stress, we often succumb to it under many circumstances. The causes behind stress are numerous, but wise are those who can manage stress skillfully. Stress management skills are those subtle qualities that an individual must possess to get himself out of a stressful situation.

Many people take up stress quite brusquely, without knowing the consequences it has in the long run. A life full of tension, burden, anxiety and misery has a very little or no space for happiness. Your health is affected when stress becomes perennial and you are unable to come out of it by any means. If you know the tactics of handling stress, then you can probably keep yourself away from it.

1. Be with Yourself
Self motivation is itself a stress buster. When you are in a state of utter dismay, anguish and mental pain, then think of activities that would evaporate these emotions from within you. Give yourself enough time to nurture your talents. Do things that amuse you the most. Love yourself and practice the God-gifted talents in you. Spending time with self, accompanied by refined thoughts and good deeds is the best stress buster. Some examples are listed below.

    Sing, dance and be merry.
    Pray to God solemnly.
    Meditate whenever you get time.
    Visit spas and parlors to rejuvenate yourself.
    Play music and listen to music.
    Sleep merrily without thinking.
    Read comics, philosophies and motivational books.
    Watch comedies and sitcoms.

2. Take it Easy
Our attitude towards our life is mainly responsible for all the woes and sorrows. If we start giving importance to the grave concerns more than the light matters, then stress will naturally take its own course. The more you accept challenges with a brave heart, the easier life becomes for you. Instead of pondering too much on one thing, you can start finding out a fruitful solution to it. Although, easier said than done, what's the harm in trying? Here are some wonderful ways to keep stress at the bay.

    Have a positive approach towards everything.
    Build self-confidence and optimism.
    Stay calm and cool.
    Do not cultivate worries and negative thoughts.
    Take help from an experienced to get out of a critical situation.

3. Act Rationally
You must analyze the situation before taking any responsibility on your shoulder. This formula is applicable in both personal and professional life. Being bogged down by the load of work is one of the main reasons behind stress. Although, at times it becomes difficult to avoid work stress, you can follow certain these tips.

    Work only if the subject interests you.
    Try to manage your work within the stipulated work hours.
    Do not allow yourself to get exploited at office.

A similar situation is often experienced at home. Taking responsibility becomes a task bitter when you have many dependents at home. Think before committing anything to your loved ones. Failing to fulfill other's expectations can make you feel guilty, which could further make you worried and tensed. What you can do to avoid stress at home is,

    Share responsibilities with other members of your family.
    Let others know your limits and your prerogatives.
    Do not let others pressurize you to fulfill their absurd demands.

4. Be with Loved Ones
The old saying, sharing grief divides it, while sharing joy multiplies it, works truly like a magic. Instead of suppressing your worries, grief and tension within you, share it with your loved ones. Spend time with friends, family and kids and make the best of those moments. Give time to your spouse and go out in the weekends. Seek advice from others whenever needed.

    Go out for movies with friends and family.
    Cook and eat luxuriously.
    Play with your kids indoors and outdoors.
    Plan weekend getaways and mini vacations.
    Be romantic with your partner, indulge into regular sex.

When you know to laugh out the blues within you, then stress will automatically bid adieu to you. If you keep nurturing it, then it will soon take the form of a mental illness. It's your life and your attitude towards it, that will make it mirthful or stressful. Now that you know the stress management skills, I hope you will execute them whenever the necessity arises.

How to Stop Yourself From Crying

It could be a fight with your partner, a taunt by someone, a failed attempt, your squealing boss or overwhelming mental pressure, tears can flow at your weakest moments. Sometimes you are in an awkward social setting to bawl your eyes out, say when you are at your workplace /mall /restaurant or may be you are a man. You may not always have an understanding and supportive friend by your side to help you stop your tears. To stop yourself from crying, I would suggest you to watch a lighthearted movie, play video games or just watch plain old television if you are in the comfort of your own house. But, that may not always be possible especially if you are out in a public place and have a sudden outburst. So, what can you do to stop yourself from crying in such a situation? Here are some tips to cope up with this scenario.

How to Stop Crying?

Splash your Face with Cold Water: It has an instant soothing effect on your face and calms you down. Tearing up can make your face go red with the excess flush of blood rushing to your face. Cold water also helps instantly bring down the puffiness in your face. So, the next time you begin to cry, head straight to the restroom. It will give you some privacy too. You can also reapply your makeup and touch up your hair style. You will be as good as new.

Acupuncture: It is said that the points on our palms and feet are directly connected to many parts, functions and organs of the body. Here is an acupuncture trick to help you stop yourself from crying. Press the little mound of flesh between your index finger and your thumb. It feels like a little ball of muscle. Press it hard. It can help you stop crying instantly, so I am told. This technique is also used to cure headaches.

Music Mantra: When you are crying, it is best to distract yourself. One of the best things you could do is listen to some music. Listen to some slow, soft and happy songs. They really help to lift up your spirits and calm your nerves. Do not listen to heavy metal or rock or anything that is too fast and loud. It has an opposite effect and magnifies your feelings.

Steer Clear of Cell Phones: Give yourself a little break from the world when it becomes difficult to stop yourself from crying. Keep your phone on an 'off' mode. When you are already crying and miserable, you tend to call or text someone out of anger and frustration. It will do you more harm than good and you might end up regretting about being impulsive in the heat of the moment. In fact, the more you talk about your problem with someone at that instant, the more you will cry.

Go Bird Watching: Nature has an immensely soothing effect on a broken heart. Just take a break for 5 minutes, stare out of the window or better yet go to a park. A little walk coupled with bird watching helps get your mind off your problems. It also feels very peaceful to look at the nature around you because we hardly do that often anymore.

Indulge: I am not encouraging you to become an emotional eater but a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine can really help you ease up the feelings of unhappiness and despair. In fact, they are both known to create feelings of happiness by boosting the production of happy hormones inside your body. Check yourself for the quantities of your intake.

Wear a Perfume: It is known that the human brain associates smells with distinct feelings. Wearing your special or favorite perfume when you are sad or crying can help bring back the happy feelings from the memories of the scent. Else, you can also smell a rose or a citrus fruit. They help to make you happy too!

Fight your Tears: I do mean that literally. One of the best things to do when you are crying is to vent out all the negative feelings by going for a quick run or a hardcore boxing session. Punch your pillow, have an intense aerobic session or anything that makes you sweat it out. You will feel refreshed and revitalized. I have often noted that 30 minutes in the gym really helps me forget about my sadness and suddenly the whole matter starts to seem too trivial to be sad over.

Breathe: Concentrating on your breathing pattern is like a mini-meditation session. Whatever technique you are using to stop yourself crying, do it by closing your eyes if possible and focus on your breathing. Take long and deep breaths. Hold them. Do this for 2 minutes and when you open your eyes, your urge to cry will be suppressed.

Browse Funny Sites!: This is my favorite method to stop yourself from crying. There are some insanely funny websites that will literally having you rolling in the aisles with the outburst of laughter irrespective of your state of mind. You have my word on it.
Now that you have stopped yourself from crying, you need to get rid of those puffy eyes. It is perfectly natural to cry. Some situations call for a calm composure because you just cannot afford to cry in public and then later feel embarrassed about it. Moreover, it's best to avoid such situations and become the talk of the room. I used to be a major weeper. Now, I have a hard time crying even when I am alone. I am sure they will work for you too.

Fruit Diet Plan

There are endless types of diets known today which advocate quick weight loss. Most of these diet plans are based on scientific observations and conclusions. These are healthy diets which can be followed for a longer period of time. On the other hand, there are certain diets which need to be followed only for a short period of time as they help in quick weight loss. These are known as fad diets. The fruit diet is claimed as one of the healthy diet, but it is more of a fad diet. When talking of a fruit diet plan, we come across several sub-types of a diet: known as the fruit detox diet, the fruit flush diet and the grapefruit diet. Let us take a look at it in detail.

Fruit Diet Plan for Weight Loss

As the name suggests, you must have concluded that in this diet, one is expected to include only fruits or lots of fruits during the day. However, the following are the popular 3 types of fruit diet plans which include consumption of different food items along with fruits to lose weight.

Fruit Detox Diet Plan
A detox diet is meant for internal cleansing of the body, which also aids in weight loss. The fruit detox diet also helps in making the skin fresh, smooth and supple. The foods that you can consume while on this diet are all fresh fruits, fruits juices, raw vegetables and fresh fish. One is also encouraged to have nuts and seeds (unsalted) in this detox fruit diet plan menu. You can have a single fruit whenever you are hungry and for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The detox fruit diet can last for 7-10 days.

Fruit Flush Diet Plan
The fruit flush diet was created by Jay Robb. This fruit diet plan, which lasts for 3 days, is also a detox diet and helps in weight loss. On the first day of the diet, the person is supposed to have proteins shakes with protein powder (without sugar). On the remaining days, one can have fresh fruits every 2 hours or whenever hungry. This is to be accompanied by a meal containing lean proteins (turkey, chicken, fish) and raw fresh vegetables (preferably, green leafy). Along with the fruits and foods, sufficient amounts of water should also be consumed for a proper detox.

Grapefruit Diet Plan
The grapefruit diet is one of the most popular fruit diet plan which lasts for 12 days. This is a low calorie and low carbohydrate diet plan which aids in weight loss through the medium of healthy diet. When on this diet, a person is expected to consume grapefruit in raw, as well as, in juice form as it is believed to aid in quick fat burning. At the same time, one can also have a vegetable salad, egg, bacon, meat, fish, coffee and tea during the day. When organizing the grapefruit diet meal plan, one should take care not to consume calorie above 1,000.

Apart from these popular fruit diet plans, there are several other simpler plans like the all fruit diet where one should have only fresh fruits for breakfast and the meals during the day. This diet can be continued for more than a week. But then it is a fad diet as one should exclude all other foods from the diet, and simply have fruits. On the other hand, the vegetable and fruit diet is also a version of the fruit diet plan where a person can involve raw or boiled vegetables, vegetables juices and salads in the daily diet.

Although it is one of the healthy diet plans, the fruit diet plan cannot be continued for a longer period of time as it is a fad diet. The diet lacks in carbohydrates and fats which are essential for gaining energy and hence, people are not recommended to follow this diet for long. You too, should consult the doctor before going for it.

Healthy Diets that Work

Health is vital and should be well nurtured to avoid any health problems. Good health determines our life and to remain healthy in the long run, focusing on it becomes extremely necessary. Living a joyous life is often mistaken as inculcating improper eating and drinking habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking and binging on street food. Such ways of living bring temporary pleasure, eventually resulting in poor health.

Investing some time in looking after our health can save us from many health risks and make our body strong, strengthen our immunity and keep us disease-free. One of the ways of achieving it is through healthy diets, which involve the right balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Healthy diets that work are designed to inculcate proper food habits, which train our body to consume balanced nutrients and drink adequate amount of water.

Types of Healthy Diets

Dieting does not always refer to depriving ourselves from food. Consumption of all nutrients at proper intervals of time can help in obtaining a healthy body and mind. Our poor eating habits sometimes make it hard to adapt to a healthy diet. Therefore, there are many fad diets that work fast, which aid in weight loss. The effects of these quick, healthy diets give out great results but last only for a short span of time. The healthy diets that work fast for women and men are giving many dieters a wide range of right eating patterns to choose from.

Atkins Diet
Dr. Robert Atkins first introduced Atkins Diet in the book named, 'The New Diet Revolution', which went on to become a very popular diet. Atkins Diet has four phases, which include planned intake of all the important nutrients, resulting into quick weight loss.
Phase 1: This is the first step towards weight loss and lasts up to 2 weeks. Atkins termed the first phase as Induction, which means taking an initiative towards weight loss. The objective of this phase is to turn your body from burning carbohydrates to burning fat, ultimately leading to weight loss. With a sudden change in the pattern of eating, weight loss might be quick or slow. In order to achieve the desired body, abide by the rules of Atkins Diet. To begin the process of fat burning, reduce the intake of carbohydrates to 20 grams each day by consuming low carb legumes, vitamins, proteins, minerals and other nutrients.
Phase 2: This phase is called Ongoing Weight Loss, wherein the body begins to adapt to the new diet pattern. Once the difficult phase of induction is over, the second phase allows you to include some more variety of nutrients with a controlled eating pattern. The objective is to keep the appetite in control and continue the weight loss process. This phase permits you to increase the carbohydrate level to 25 grams and includes seeds and nuts in the diet.
Phase 3: With the success of the previous two phases, this pre-maintenance level assesses the amount of carb intake. Here, there is a scope to experiment with some more variety of foods and to know what foods can be consumed. By this stage you will have lost enough weight and must have learned to keep the appetite well in control.
Phase 4: Known as the Lifetime Maintenance Phase, it involves taking care of the new diet and at the same time maintaining the weight. As the body has been successful in adapting to a new diet, it gives you the opportunity to now select the various constituents of food that you might like to add in the diet. However, it is important to keep the food habits in control and stay determined towards the new diet and maintaining a healthy body.

Sonoma Diet
Connie Guttersen, introduced the Sonoma Diet, which is among the popular fad diets that many undertake. It is divided into three stages which are collectively termed as Waves. This diet is specially designed towards healthy eating and lifestyle.
Wave 1: The duration of this first stage lasts up to 10 days. Here, weight loss is quick with a rapid change in the energy level and the overall well-being of a person. Wave 1 helps to reduce cravings for unwanted food and gradually turns us towards eating delicious and yet nutritious food. The Sonoma diet includes almonds, bell peppers, citrus fruits, grapes, olive oil, strawberries, whole grains, broccoli, blueberries, spinach, tomatoes and beans, which play a major role in achieving the target weight. They are known as the 12 power foods of the Sonoma diet. Add more vegetables, whole grains and lean meats to the diet to make it an enjoyable meal.
Wave 2: Once you have observed weight loss in Wave 1, this phase continues with the weight loss process. This weight loss is gradual and healthy. By the time one reaches Wave 2, the body has become familiar with healthy foods making it easier to stick to the diet. This stage brings in more choice of fruits and vegetables, improving the health and making the mind stable. This stage lasts till the time the target weight is accomplished.
Wave 3: After Wave 1 and 2 changes the approach towards eating, Wave 3 coaxes you to maintain the target weight. The body automatically rejects the intake of poor eating habits and welcomes you to the new and well planned eating pattern. Good eating habits have positive effects on the body and nurturing the health of the body becomes easy.

South Beach Diet
Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, designed this diet for its long term healthy effects on the body. This diet works in three phases, which focuses on proper eating thus pushing towards a healthier lifestyle.
Phase 1: It's a tough phase where, one can have proper meals, excluding the carbohydrates. It includes eating lean meats and vegetables. There is rapid weight loss in this phase due to a complete change in the type of food and diet pattern.
Phase 2: The weight loss continues while you allow some more food variety in the diet. However, the weight loss is slow. This phase continues till the required weight is lost.
Phase 3: Once the body has adjusted to the balanced diet, it is not hard to maintain the acquired health of body. Slowly introduce other food types but do not deviate from the sensible eating pattern that you have designed for your body.

Zone Diet
One can achieve proper hormonal balance by consuming well planned meals, which include balanced carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It allows us to enjoy three meals a day, including two snacks and yet help to lose weight. It is a low carbohydrate plan, which uses up the carbohydrates to gain more energy. The dieters have to keep a control on the amount of intake of calories which can be consumed at the time of eating meals and snacks. They must restrict themselves to having 500 calories during meals and up to 100 calories during snacks time. This diet has the ability to improve health and raise the energy levels. It helps in controlling cravings for readily available foods. The zone diet targets the excessive fat which is stored due to intake of too much of carbohydrates. Therefore, it includes proteins which help in releasing the carbohydrates, thus resulting in fat burn. Burning of fat results into balancing the intake of carbohydrates and proteins which causes the body to shed the piled up weight. There are many delicious recipes that fall under Zone diet to make it enjoyable and at the same time keep the dieter determined towards the weight loss program.

17 Day Diet
Dr. Mike Mareno developed the 17 Day Diet, which soon became one of the sought after diets among the dieters. This diet includes various adjustments in foods and helps to achieve adequate amount of weight loss. The 17 Day Diet includes four cycles termed as Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive. The constituents of food varies as sometimes one has to consume low carb foods or high carb foods during the diet process. This diet promises a loss of at least 10-12 pounds, cleansing the body from toxins and putting it into the habit of consuming healthy food.

The diets mentioned above mostly focus on quick weight loss, which prove to be appropriate for teens or young adults. However, in case of pregnancy, these diets are not recommended as the mother needs to be healthy enough to carry the weight of the baby and provide all the possible nutrients to the unborn child. It is wise to consult a dietitian/doctor in case of any health ailments to prevent from damaging your health further.

Energy is extremely necessary to run our day-to-day activities. To gain this energy, we eat food, which determines our overall health. No matter how complicated our lifestyle is, eating smartly can lead to feeling good, lighter and energetic. Hence, it is essential to choose a healthy and nutritious diet and follow it sincerely. Only dieting does not always prove successful in weight loss. The combination of healthy diets that work and exercise will lead us towards a smart and healthy way of living.

Diet for Ballet Dancers

Agile, suave and flexible are probably the best words that describe the physique of a ballet dancer! How have they attained such a figure, that help them perform the toughest of all ballet moves so effortlessly? No wonder their diet and exercise play a significant role in boosting up their stamina and maintaining their slim and sleek body.

Their diet is nutritious containing all the essential nutrients in the desired proportion. Tremendous energy is required to sustain hours of practice and to attain perfection. They need enough potion to remain psychologically active and the potion comes from healthy foods. Since ballet dancing is a form of heavy aerobics, they need enough calories to bear the stress. We have provided you a sample diet for ballet dancers in this article.

Proportion of Nutrients
  • Proteins:12-15%
  • Fats:20-30% (unsaturated)
  • Carbohydrates: 50-65% (complex)
Consumption of these essential nutrients should be within this proportion. Carbohydrates in complex form is extremely necessary to provide adequate energy to them. Fats derived from omega-3-fatty acids or other sources of unsaturated fatty acids are also required in some amount to maintain their energy. Proteins are necessary to build up muscles and repair tissues quickly in case of damage or injury. The sources of these foods are explained in the next content.

Animal Products
Lean meat is rich in proteins and it forms a major portion of their diet. Skinless chicken breast and turkeys have a high protein content and they do not cause weight gain. The meat is consumed either in boiled, baked or grilled form. Consumption of gravies and spicy dishes are strictly restricted, as they are extremely unhealthy. They are also allowed to consume the white portion of the egg, while discarding the yolk since its rich in cholesterol. The foods are cooked mostly in olive oils and a small portion is served. Freshwater fish (tuna) and sea food, like salmon, mackerel, herring, etc. are excellent sources of omega-3-fatty acids, thereby constituting the amount of fat required by them.

Dairy Products
Dairy products are intensely rich in fats. Nevertheless, the products that contain minimal fats are safe. Skimmed milk, low fat cheese and fat free butter are allowed to be consumed moderately. A glass of skimmed milk with a slice of brown whole wheat bread is recommended for breakfast. Fat free cheese and butter twice or thrice a week is needed to maintain the calories required for performing the dances effortlessly.

Fruits and Vegetables
Vitamins and minerals are necessary for adding flexibility to body and strengthening bones. Some of the healthiest vegetables that are incorporated in their diet include cabbage, spinach, broccoli, bitter gourd, carrot, beet, capsicum, etc. Such vegetables are laden with calcium, phosphorous, iron and zinc, that are utmost essential for proper functioning of their body. They are asked to consume them either in raw or in boiled form and with addition of a very small amount of sodium. They also survive on a plenty of salads made from raw vegetables. A ballet dancer's diet is incomplete without fruits. Fruits are richest sources of antioxidants and vitamins that play an important role in keeping their body fit and healthy. Oranges, lemons, grapes, blue berries, watermelons, apples, cantaloupes and guavas form a part of their diet.

Other Healthy Foods
Apart from the foods mentioned in the content above, the diet for ballet dancers also consists of desired amounts of cereals, nuts, pulses, lentils and grains. Oats and cornflakes are rich sources complex carbohydrates, that are necessary for them. Green peas, grams and other types of lentils contain a unique blend of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. Almonds and peanuts form rich sources of energy. A lot of protein drinks and fresh juices (unsweetened) are also recommended to them.

So that was a simple guide to a ballet dancer's diet. Water forms a major part of their diet, that keeps their system hydrated. A healthy and balanced diet is the only secret of their perfect shape, that they maintain religiously.

Baby Gift Basket Ideas

Most people tend to get thoroughly confused as to what they should gift a newborn baby as there are loads of things that are available for little babies in the market. To avoid the confusion, it is best to give a gift basket which is loaded with different types of little gifts. Though there are various Internet sites and gift shops that supply ready-made newborn baby gift baskets, to add a personal touch to the gift it is a great idea to prepare the gift basket on your own. Moreover, the task is not something that is difficult. All you have to do is to choose the gifts that you want to give to the baby and present them in an innovative way. So, if you think a gift basket is a great present for babies, here are some baby gift basket ideas that you can look at.

Baby Gift Basket Ideas

The best things that you can fill in the gift basket are those that will be useful for the baby. Though the parents are going to be loaded with stuff like diapers, lotions, baby soaps, powders, etc. there will never be a time when they would not need these things once the baby is born. However, it would be better to avoid things like keepsake gifts, fancy clothing, etc. as it is very unlikely that these things would be used by them. Moreover, these gifts can also prove quite expensive. So, before preparing the basket, make a list of things that you would like to include in it. Let us take a look at some of the baby shower gift basket ideas.

Baby Gift Basket Ideas #01
One of the most common and also the most useful gift basket idea would be a diaper cake. Though you will actually not need any basket for this gift, you can still fill it with loads of gifts and goodies. If you do not know how to make a diaper cake, there are various Internet sites that provide instructions to make diaper cake. Once you are done with it, you can attach baby lotion bottles, soaps, powders, etc. on the diaper cake with the help of sellotapes. To make the diaper cake look more attractive, place a small teddy bear or some other soft toy which the baby can play with on its top.

Baby Gift Basket Ideas #02
Another great baby gift basket idea would be a basket full of bathing time accessories. Though you can select a typical gift basket for this, using a baby bathtub instead of a basket would be quite unique as well as useful. To fill this basket, use things like baby shampoos, washcloths, soaps, hooded towel, baby oil, petroleum jelly, diaper rash ointments, etc. You can also put in a few floating bath toys in the basket.

Baby Gift Basket Ideas #03
Apart from bathing gifts, a basket full of necessities that the baby will require will also make a useful gift basket. Look for a big basket at your local store and put in things like bottles, rattlers, baby spoons, one piece outfits of different colors, sleepers, cloth diapers, booties, socks, receiving blankets, bibs, soft toys, teething rings, etc. Gift baskets for babies, need not be just for the little one. Rather, you can put in a few things for the parents like a baby memory book. Placing a greeting card congratulating the parents for their new treasure is also a good idea. This is one of the best baby girl or baby boy gift basket ideas.

Tips for Making Baby Gift Baskets

One of the main attraction of baby gift baskets is the packaging and hence, it is important to remember some important points while getting a gift basket ready for the baby. Like I have mentioned earlier, the basket need not be a typical basket used for gifts. Instead, you can be quite innovative in this matter. For instance, you can use tote bags, diaper baskets, baby laundry baskets, toy wagons, etc. in the place of the typical baskets. Once you have chosen the basket and the things that would go into it, the next step would be putting them together. While arranging a gift basket, always remember that the small things go in the beginning and the bigger things should be seen in the front. To level the bottom of the basket, lay the receiving blanket or the cloth diapers. Above it, place the rest of the things and stick glue dots on them to make sure that the gifts are held in the same place. Once this is done, wrap the entire basket either with transparent plastic wrap or transparent gift wrap paper. To add the final touch to the gift basket, tie it up with a satin ribbon or a metallic twist tie.

Apart from these baby gift basket ideas, there are many more, that you can come up with your creativity. You can add a unique touch to the gift basket by adding the name and the date birth of the baby. However, this is only possible if you are giving the gift after the baby is born. Making the baby gift basket on your own will be surely liked by the parents as you would have put in your thoughts, time and effort to come up with a basket for their little one.